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Mel Scott was my first watercolor teacher while I was studying art at Dixie State University. She was super patient with teaching this arrogant punk all the basics of how to paint with watercolor, color theory, and composition. I grew to admire her talent, creativity and friendship.

Roland Lee's artwork was what first inspired me to explore watercolor painting. He is a master painter who really showed me what the medium of watercolor painting could do. He is also a great teacher and a hecka good guy. I was fortunate enough to attend a lecture he gave about his process that was game changing. His website displays his most recent artworks as well as video tutorials that show you everything you need to know to start making your own watercolor paintings. 

Lee Ricks is a watercolor painter I found out about from a gallery in Port Aransas, TX. I never met him, but his artwork is stunning. I did take a workshop from one of his students Nancy Busky, who was very helpful and informative.

Del Parson is an artist and teacher I learned a lot from while attending classes at Dixie State College. He not only taught drawing, but also many lessons about life and what it means to be an artist. His works are mainly oil on Canvas.

Aurora Dora: Discovering the magic of the Aurora was the most recent children's book I designed and illustrated. It was written by my Sister Angelique Clark and features the photography of Aurora Dora Miller. It's a fun book about overcoming childhood fears. I don't receive any royalties or affiliate compensation for sales of the book. It's just a cool book that not a lot of people know about.

Padre Island National Seashore is where I spent 4 wonderful months painting as artist in residence. My heart will always rest on your sandy shores.

Visit my blog where I share more about my behind the scenes process, tutorials, random art that didn't make it to this site, and other topics I find interesting.